

发布时间: 2024-05-11 21:53:28北京青年报社官方账号





As for multilateralism, Li said, it does not mean disrespect for country-to-country relations, but a promotion to the democratization of international politics.


As a proportion of China's national debt, FIIs held 3.88 percent in May, marginally up from 3.87 percent in April, according to China Government Securities Depository Trust and Clearing Corp and Shanghai Clearing House, the two major debt registration agencies in China's interbank bond market.


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As a line in the Chinese classics reads, "A man of vision sees the trend of the times and follows it." We have reached a crossroads of history, when we must have a keen appreciation of the trend of our world and take the pulse of the world economy. That is how we will be able to respond to the call of our time and chart our future course accordingly.


As a result, the government should step up macroeconomic regulation, give full play to the synergy of fiscal, monetary, social security and employment policies and adopt more targeted regulatory measures.


